M-BraceDirect.com is an orthopedic distributor with over 10 years experience. We work directly with our manufacturers to give you the lowest price M Brace ANYWHERE.

M-BraceDirect.com was created for one reason; To provide the highest quality medical grade orthopedic products, at the cheapest price and with superior customer service.  

 Why Choose M-BraceDirect.com?

  • Cheapest Prices Anywhere GUARANTEED! We work directly will the manufacturer to pass the savings on to you. We sell at 20% wholesale.
  • We Only Sell the M-Brace. We don’t offer thousands of other braces. By focusing just on the M-Brace we can offer drastically reduce the price and put all our resources into making the buying process seamless.
  • Superior Customer Support– We feel there is a real problem in America with the level of Customer Support. We are real people who will do everything in our power to make your buying experience effortless.
  • 10 Years Experience. We have been an orthopedic distributor for a long time and we feel we understand exactly how to satisfy your needs.
  • Flexible Return Policy. We offer a 100% Money Back Guarantee.
  • Security and Privacy. We use Paypal to make sure you have the  highest possible level of online protection.
  • Fast and Secure Shipping. Don’t worry about your order arriving on time. We use UPS and Federal Express to ensure proper delivery every time.

We are here to help you find exactly what you are searching for. If you need to speak with a Live Representative feel free to call us at 714.514.8038, 24 hrs a day, 7 days a week.

M-BraceDirect.com corporate headquarters are located in Long Beach, Ca.